
Stainless steel specialists​

We never compromise on quality, and we therefore have comprehensive systems and procedures for ensuring optimal quality.

CJ Stainless Solution A/S holds:

ISO-9001 certification

CE approval pursuant to EN 1090

​EN 3834 certification, and complies with

FDA Standards

Welding certification

All the company's smiths are certifi​ed welders​

Materials certification

We solely apply stainless steel with appertaining materials certification label

National welding coordinator

We have a national welding coordinator at our disposal


We prepare/conduct completion documentation / FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) and SAT (Site Acceptance Test)

Quality assurance plan

We prepare an SQP (Quality assurance plan)

Sale and environment

Safety and environment are highly prioritised concepts and, in collaboration with Avidenz, we will prepare APV safety meetings.

CJ Stainless Solution A/S​